Nevenka Topalušić, Croatian Heroine, Passes Away

Nevenka Topalušić, heroine of the Homeland War who was born and raised in Gradec near Vrbovec, passed away on the night of 21-22 October 2014.

FOTO: Damir Hoyka

Topalušić finished medical studies in high school in Zadar and found employment at the Vrbovec Health Center. In addition to her job and family responsibilities, Topalušić also managed to complete studies as a senior nurse at the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb. At the beginning of the Homeland War, she left three children at home, joined the 51st Vrbovec Independent Battalion and used her medical knowledge and experience to save lives on the battlefield.

Topalušić soon joined the 2nd Guard “Thunder” Brigade and served on numerous battlefronts, often entering deep into enemy territory to save her comrades. Her superior expertise, courage and reliability instilled a sense of security and self-confidence in her fellow soldiers during all military operations. Topalušić participated in every mission alongside the infantry in combat formation and never carried a personal weapon.

In addition to her boundless belief in her comrades-in-arms, Topalušić firmly believed that she could carry much more medical supplies than weapons and ammunition. As a member of the 1st Battalion of the 2nd Guard “Black Mambas” Brigade during Operation “UNA ’95”, Topalušić was wounded by four sniper bullets and took 28 pieces of shrapnel from a grenade while saving Croatian soldiers in the field.

As a Category One 100% war invalid Topalušić joined the protest of the Association of Category One 100% Croatian War Invalids in front of the Veterans Ministry in 2014.

I’m here because the injustice is killing me. I went to war because I wanted it to be good for my children. They only way I will leave here is when they carry my dead body away. Even if it takes years, I will remain here day and night until the day I die

Nevenka Topalušić

Her words unfortunately came true. She passed away after she fell ill on the second day of the protest and 66 Savska Street has since been renamed Nevenka Topalušić Square in her honour.

Moguš, Antun editor. Dani poslije. Zagreb: Zajednica udruga hrvatskih vojnih invalida Domovinskog rata Grada Zagreba, 2016

Renata Rašović: “Hrvatska braniteljica Nevenka Topalušić preminula tijekom prosvjeda”, Več, access achieved October 15, 2019,
Dragan Vicković: “Sjećanje na Nevenku Topalušić”,, access achieved October 15, 2019, “Svečano otvoren preuređeni trg posvećen heroini Nevenki Topalušić”, access achieved October 15, 2019,

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